Serving the Homeless and Needy
Agape Outreach Inc. is a charity organisation making a difference in the lives of hurting, broken, and disenfranchised people. Founded on January 26th, 2009, Agape began when Theresa Mitchell found she could no longer walk past people on the street. So, she began handing out a small number of meals in her local area, cooked in her very own kitchen.
Agape, now based on Recreation Street in Tweed Heads, has more than 200 volunteers and 4 employees. It is volunteer-based and made up mostly of retirees and university interns with a heart for people. We operate between Byron Bay on the North Coast of New South Wales and Runaway Bay on the Gold Coast in Queensland, providing over 800 hot meals weekly to vulnerable people on the streets and various services. Click on the link below to view all the facilities and services our Agape Hub provides.
Agape (from Ancient Greek agápē) means ‘unconditional love’ and embraces a profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists, regardless of circumstance. It is what we desire to pass on to others every day.
We are not affiliated with a church. Instead, Agape is run with Theresa’s heart for Jesus and nothing more—no church services, no praying over meals, no preaching, just love and action. Volunteers and clients from all walks of life and beliefs are welcome, so please join us.
‘For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in; I needed clothes, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you looked after me; I was in prison, and you came to visit me.’ – Matthew 25:35
Our Mission
In the words of Mother Teresa, ” We sometimes think that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this poverty.”
Agape Outreach Inc.’s mission is to serve the homeless and needy. To do this, we need the help of our generous volunteers.
Our Vision
Agape Outreach Inc. strives to help the needy, lost, broken, homeless, and lonely. We see the beauty in every person and show them the respect they deserve.
While we start in our homes, we will expand, making the world our home and the people of it our family. We will take one small step at a time to cause a ripple effect of change.
“We feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – Mother Teresa

Theresa Mitchell
Founding Director
Theresa Mitchell is the Founding Director of Agape Outreach Inc.
Theresa’s kindness, compassion and practical care have changed many lives. She has fostered 37 children and cared for over 100 international students in her home. As an advocate for the homeless and disadvantaged, Theresa has raised awareness and funds to help those living on the streets in her community.
Theresa is also an author, motivational speaker, and life coach. She uses practical examples from everyday life and her book, Stories from the Streets, a collection of true-life stories from people who have either experienced homelessness or are currently homeless, to help people live their lives to the fullest.
Click the buttons below to:
Follow Theresa on Facebook | Buy a copy of her book: Stories from The Streets | Listen to her Agape Love in Action podcast.

Agape Ambassador
Please meet Craig. Craig is a local business owner and an Agape Ambassador. On Friday mornings, he donates his time to attend BNI (a local business networking group) as Agape’s Ambassador.
Craig educates local business owners on the homeless situation and seeks corporate sponsorship that helps Agape expand its services. Craig says, “I volunteer as an ambassador to be a role model to my children. I want to show them that to be a valued community member, you need to help those less fortunate than yourself. I have learned that the more I give, the more I get in return. It seems the universe has a way of thanking those who give their time, money, and energy to others.

Op Shop
Please meet Kerryn. Kerryn runs Agape’s Op Shop. She is the first point of contact for people in need as they walk in the door. She greets them with a smile, a listening ear, and sometimes a hug.
While Kerryn puts her artistic flair to work in the Op Shop and raises vital funds for our organisation, she loves the interaction with people most. She loves helping them and putting a smile on their faces by assisting them to access needed support. Kerryn says, “Every day, I am learning something new, and I love my job.”
If you want to volunteer with Kerryn and make a difference, please click the link below to complete a volunteer application.

Agape Ambassador

Op Shop
Please meet Craig. Craig is a local business owner and an Agape Ambassador. On Friday mornings, he donates his time to attend BNI (a local business networking group) as Agape’s Ambassador.
Craig educates local business owners on the homeless situation and seeks corporate sponsorship that helps Agape expand its services. Craig says, “I volunteer as an ambassador to be a role model to my children. I want to show them that to be a valued community member, you need to help those less fortunate than yourself. I have learned that the more I give, the more I get in return. It seems the universe has a way of thanking those who give their time, money, and energy to others.
Please meet Kerryn. Kerryn runs Agape’s Op Shop. She is the first point of contact for people in need as they walk in the door. She greets them with a smile, a listening ear, and sometimes a hug.
While Kerryn puts her artistic flair to work in the Op Shop and raises vital funds for our organisation, she loves the interaction with people most. She loves helping them and putting a smile on their faces by assisting them to access needed support. Kerryn says, “Every day, I am learning something new, and I love my job.”
If you want to volunteer with Kerryn and make a difference, please click the link below to complete a volunteer application.