Call Agape on 0414 693 670 for more information in services we can provide.
Call Agape on 0414 693 670 for more information in services we can provide.

AGAPE HUB 56 Recreation Street, South Tweed Heads, NSW 2486

Opening Hours Tuesday – Friday 10am to 4 pm, Saturday 10am to 1pm DST (except Public Holidays) Sunday & Monday – Closed

Telephone: 07 5293 7154

Fruit & Vege Hampers

Hot Meals

Access to Showers

Access to Laundry Facilities

Psychology Appointments

Drug & Alcohol Support Groups

Case Management Advocacy & Support Applying for Housing

Applying for NDIS

Finding a Disability Support Worker

Barista Training

Budgeting Training

Cooking Classes


On Tuesdays the Agape Outreach Inc. van travels south stopping in South Tweed Heads, Murwillumbah, Brunswick, Mullumbimby and Byron Bay between 1pm and 4:30pm NSW time.

On Wednesdays our van travels north to stopping in Coolangatta, Palm Beach, Surfers Paradise, and Southport between 1pm and 3pm QLD time.

On Fridays we have food support at Runaway Bay on the Gold Coast between 4pm and 5pm QLD time – and – A sit-down meal is served in the Youth Community Centre, 379 Oxley Drive, Runaway Bay QLD 4216 from 5:30pm QLD time

Access more information on food drop-off points on our Facebook page:

Pre-cooked food support is also available from Agape Hub during opening hours.

Agape Outreach Op Shop Agape Hub,  56 Recreation Street, Tweed Heads South, NSW 2486 and is one of the cheapest in the area!

We sell • clothes $2 unless otherwise marked • books $2 • brand new shoes $10 • home and living wares • toys • other bric-a-brac from as little as $0.50c

Our op shop is open • Tuesday – Friday 10am to 4pm NSW time (except Public Holidays) • Saturday – 10am to 1pm NSW time • Sunday & Monday – closed

If you have goods you would like to donate, please only leave donations during business hours. Thank you.

All proceeds from our op shop go back into the hub. Visit us and say hi to the Agape crew!